Monday, April 26, 2010

Pre-production - Full Speed Ahead

I already sent a note to everyone who pledged, but I just have to say again how grateful we are for the support.  Having other people think we can pull this off has gone a long way to convincing us its actually possible.

As for actual pre-production stuff, we've got a big rehearsal for the motel room scene this Saturday.  I'll be taping it while we figure out the blocking so I'll have a chance to cut it together and make sure it works before we go actually shoot.  It should also be good for helping the actors get ready for what will be quite a tough scene emotionally and physically before we've got a big crew stuffed into the little motel room.

On the 4th I'll be meeting with the DP and Visual FX Supervisor to go visit all of our locations.  We'll planning out all of the camera movements, checking for adequate power supplies, figuring out parking requirements, deciding on additional lighting and grip equipment needs and determining what restrictions and marking will need to be done in order to add digital set extensions later.  Once we have that info I can finally get a realistic budget in place.

We are putting together our crew positions and will soon be looking to schedule extras.  If you have any interest in either please let me know.  For crew we have room for both experienced and unexperienced people.

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