Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Second Audition round

Wow - we had 9 people last week and over 20 this week.  Never did I anticipate that kind of turnout.  This makes it even harder than last week.  We've got probably a dozen people that I very much want to work with, but just don't fit the parts.  Next time maybe I should write something with more than 5 speaking parts :)

I hope to make a decision on Bob and his Mother tonight and get an offer email out.  Hopefully we won't have too many people bail on us once we actually send them the twisted script, but I've always known it was a possibility.

If anything picking the smaller parts will be more difficult because there isn't such an exact "type" in my head leaving a lot more people that I want to say Yes to.

On another note I talked to our DP Tom to make sure that May was still good for him and so far it's wide open.  We need to finalize some locations in the next week or so in order to get a more accurate shooting schedule.  I'm still hoping we can do all the video stuff in 3-4 days, and I think it's doable but it will be a tough shoot.  That's where Kickstarter is so important (hint hint) because that will give us the ability for all the days we need to pull it off properly.

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