Monday, February 22, 2010


Hello and welcome to Bear Driving Car's blog.  I just formed the company about three weeks ago after I decided it was time to actually do something concrete to make films instead of talking about it a lot.

We are currently in pre-production on a major short film titled "Better Living Through Chemistry" which will shoot later this Spring.  I'm just getting started on this page, clearly, but the plan is to chronicle every step along the way towards making this happen.

On the right-hand side of the page you can see the widget for a fundraising site called Kickstarter.  Basically, Kickstarter is a site used to help artists find funding for their projects. We set up a project page describing what we want to do with our short film and why we need the extra money. If you like the idea, you can kick in anything from $1 all the way up. If the project gets fully funded to at least the target level, you get charged through your Amazon account and we get the money to make our movie. If we don't get enough pledges by the deadline (April 25th is the deadline we set up for this project), no one who has pledged to back the project gets charged and we go back to the drawing board, probably after a good long cry.

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