Saturday, August 7, 2010


I know it's been a while since I put up anything new, but that is mostly because there hasn't been much to say.
After I put together the initial rough cut we decided that we needed a couple more shots to tell the story.  That meant finding a time with all five of the principal actors and our DP and 1st AC that would work.  We ended up shooting on 7/24 and did three scenes.  The footage looks terrific, especially considering we didn't rent any lights or other equipment for the pickup day.

We did a brand new ending and got a lot of new footage in the motel room.  That scene just wasn't working before and now I think it does splendidly.

We did dialogue recording in a studio with everyone on the 25th and have been incorporating that into the edit as well.  Our sound mixer just got back from his world tour and is starting on his work in earnest.

We are still aiming to be done by early September for the Sundance deadline and just might make it.